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EUDET Activities NA1  · 


Description of the EUDET management structure, the principal management bodies and their tasks.

The management structure of the EUDET Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) project you can find under Internal Link.

Institution Board (IB)

The IB represents the participating institutes of EUDET. It constitutes the principal body of the Consortium and its decisions are legally binding for all participants. The IB will meet regularly during the Annual Meeting of the Consortium and more often if necessary. The 23 participating institutes are represented by one voting member each. Associated institutes may attend as non-voting members.

The IB is an arbitration and strategic decision body. It is competent to decide on the orientation of the project and significant changes to the programme. The IB approves the activity and financial report of the past period. It discusses and agrees to the forthcoming budget and its implementation plan for the coming reporting period, after requesting adjustments if necessary. It settles all disputes in the case of failure to meet project assignments. The IB delegates executive power and responsibility to the IC in accordance with the EC contract.

Members of the IB

Steering Committee (SC)

The SC is the executive board of EUDET. Its voting members are the I3 Coordinator and the Activity Coordinators of the three JRAs and the Detector R&D Network. ort of the ACs on the progress of the individual tasks in their activity. The SC oversees and reviews the work progress and decides on overall technical matters, prepares proposals for approval by the IB, prepares the Consortium budget, consolidates the reports received from the ACs and prepares the reports and deliverables to be submitted to the European Commission.

The SC meets regularly to review the progress of the activities. The SC oversees and reviews the work progress and decides on overall technical matters, prepares proposals for approval by the Institution Board, prepares the Consortium budget, consolidates the reports received from the ACs and prepares the reports and deliverables to be submitted to the European Commission.

Members of the SC

I3 Coordinator (IC)

DESY acts as the coordinator of the I3 project and is represented by Felix Sefkow (IC). The IC acts as contact between the EUDET consortium, the European Commission and third parties. He is in charge of the overall management of the project and has to assure that the consortium fulfils its duties in accordance with the European Commission Contract. He chairs the SC.

The IC is in charge of the administration of the two Transnational Access (TA) activities. In all his duties he is aided by a Scientific Assistant (N.Potylitsina-Kube)

Activity Coordinators (AC)

The EUDET project includes three JRAs and the Detector R&D Network that are coordinated by one or two ACs. These entities themselves are subdivided into individual tasks to which Task Leaders are attached.

The ACs are charged to track and monitor the progress in their respective activity. They report to the SC on the compliance of the parties with the milestones and deliverables agreed with the European Commission and inform the IC of the status. They are responsible for maintaining good communications inside their tasks, between different activities and contact the IC for specific assistance. They make the results of the work in their activity available to the Consortium.

The ACs, together with the Task Leaders, are also responsible for integrating the tasks of the JRAs into the TA schemes.

Activity Coordinators

External Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB)

The ESAB assesses independently the progress of the various tasks and their scientific excellence. The members of the ESAB include renowned international experts on detector developments. The members of the ESAB include a representative of the international detector R&D review panel for the ILC and an expert on matters related to the interplay between the ILC accelerator and the detector. The ESAB ensures close coordination between the European and the worldwide activities.

The members of the ESAB are asked to relate the efforts in EUDET to efforts elsewhere and to critically review the contribution of the project towards the design of detectors for the ILC and possible other applications of interest. The advisors are invited to participate in the Annual Meeting of the Consortium and base their recommendations on the presentations made at that occasion.

Members of the ESAB

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